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  • Dark War - Retribution

    $17.00 $15.00

    Successfully funded through Kickstarter, now available through Tiny Battle Publishing! 

    Military-horror novel with lavish illustrations. 

    Purchase the PDF at Wargame Vault for 2$

    Purchase the Kindle version at Amazon.

    It's 1985

    West Germany teeters on the brink of defeat. The American V Corps is all but crushed, and Soviet armored formations rush to the French border. In a small town near the North Sea, a temporary POW camp holds hundreds of NATO soldiers... and a terrible secret that could turn the tide of battle.

    Sergeant Matt Dahl and the men of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Tiger Squadron, are committed to a desperate raid to free the prisoners and discover the truth. Yet the truth is more sinister than they could possibly imagine. It involves a formidable vampire warrior, an ancient and powerful witch, and the key to saving the world from a destructive force that will make World War III look like a small-town fireworks display. It’s up to Corporal Mike Hudson and his undead lover, Katarina, to save the world while Sergeant Dahl and the rest of Tiger Squadron fend off the Soviet juggernaut.  

    Welcome back to Mark Walker’s Dark War: a series set in the midst of World War III, thundering with authentic battles, screeching with the bone-chilling cries of the dark entities unleashed by the war’s massive bloodletting. It’s military horror at its best.  It’s Dark War: Retribution.